The holiday season kicked off Thanksgiving Day with over a foot of snow for some in the Capital Region.

We are just getting started with winter weather in the Capital Region, and the season is long.

But is it too early to say 'So much for all those mild and snowless winter weather outlooks?' It probably is and only time will tell of those forecasts were on point.

But if you love snow, Thanksgiving Day may be a good indicator of what lies ahead this winter.

Thanksgiving Strom Drops Over A Foot Of Snow For Some


While the general Albany area saw minimal amounts of accumulation, the further outside of the city you go, the more snow that fell.

The difference in Albany Country alone is staggering! According to National Weather Service spotters, Albany got 2 inches of snow while Altamont got 12 inches.

Several other areas in the Capital Region surpassed 12, 13, and even 14 inches.

And even if you love winter, you were probably cursing this storm out as you cleared the wet heavy snow from your driveway and walkways.

So how much did we get? Check out snowfall totals from throughout the Captial Region below.

See Capital Region Snowfall Totals For Thanksgiving Day 2024

The holiday season officially started with a whole 'lotta snow for many in the Captial Region on Thanksgiving Day, with many areas getting a foot or more of wet, heavy snow. The interesting thing about this storm is snow amounts can take wild swings from town to town in some counties. Here are snowfall totals from around the region from local spotters via the National Weather Service.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

10 Largest Snowfalls On Record In Albany

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff